Gestion des erreurs



Source errno-base.h (archive 23/09/2018), errno.h (archive 23/09/2018)

Abbréviation Code Description
EEPERM1Operation not permitted
EENOENT2No such file or directory
EESRCH3No such process
EEINTR4Interrupted system call
EEIO5I/O error
EENXIO6No such device or address
EE2BIG7Argument list too long
EENOEXEC8Exec format error
EEBADF9Bad file number
EECHILD10No child processes
EEAGAIN11Try again
EEWOULDBLOCK11Operation would block
EENOMEM12Out of memory
EEACCES13Permission denied
EEFAULT14Bad address
EENOTBLK15Block device required
EEBUSY16Device or resource busy
EEEXIST17File exists
EEXDEV18Cross-device link
EENODEV19No such device
EENOTDIR20Not a directory
EEISDIR21Is a directory
EEINVAL22Invalid argument
EENFILE23File table overflow
EEMFILE24Too many open files
EENOTTY25Not a typewriter
EETXTBSY26Text file busy
EEFBIG27File too large
EENOSPC28No space left on device
EESPIPE29Illegal seek
EEROFS30Read-only file system
EEMLINK31Too many links
EEPIPE32Broken pipe
EEDOM33Math argument out of domain of func
EERANGE34Math result not representable
EEDEADLK35Resource deadlock would occur
EEDEADLOCK35Resource deadlock would occur
EENAMETOOLONG36File name too long
EENOLCK37No record locks available
EENOSYS38Invalid system call number
EENOTEMPTY39Directory not empty
EELOOP40Too many symbolic links encountered
EENOMSG42No message of desired type
EEIDRM43Identifier removed
EECHRNG44Channel number out of range
EEL2NSYNC45Level 2 not synchronized
EEL3HLT46Level 3 halted
EEL3RST47Level 3 reset
EELNRNG48Link number out of range
EEUNATCH49Protocol driver not attached
EENOCSI50No CSI structure available
EEL2HLT51Level 2 halted
EEBADE52Invalid exchange
EEBADR53Invalid request descriptor
EEXFULL54Exchange full
EENOANO55No anode
EEBADRQC56Invalid request code
EEBADSLT57Invalid slot
EEBFONT59Bad font file format
EENOSTR60Device not a stream
EENODATA61No data available
EETIME62Timer expired
EENOSR63Out of streams resources
EENONET64Machine is not on the network
EENOPKG65Package not installed
EEREMOTE66Object is remote
EENOLINK67Link has been severed
EEADV68Advertise error
EESRMNT69Srmount error
EECOMM70Communication error on send
EEPROTO71Protocol error
EEMULTIHOP72Multihop attempted
EEDOTDOT73RFS specific error
EEBADMSG74Not a data message
EEOVERFLOW75Value too large for defined data type
EENOTUNIQ76Name not unique on network
EEBADFD77File descriptor in bad state
EEREMCHG78Remote address changed
EELIBACC79Can not access a needed shared library
EELIBBAD80Accessing a corrupted shared library
EELIBSCN81.lib section in a.out corrupted
EELIBMAX82Attempting to link in too many shared libraries
EELIBEXEC83Cannot exec a shared library directly
EEILSEQ84Illegal byte sequence
EERESTART85Interrupted system call should be restarted
EESTRPIPE86Streams pipe error
EEUSERS87Too many users
EENOTSOCK88Socket operation on non-socket
EEDESTADDRREQ89Destination address required
EEMSGSIZE90Message too long
EEPROTOTYPE91Protocol wrong type for socket
EENOPROTOOPT92Protocol not available
EEPROTONOSUPPORT93Protocol not supported
EESOCKTNOSUPPORT94Socket type not supported
EEOPNOTSUPP95Operation not supported on transport endpoint
EEPFNOSUPPORT96Protocol family not supported
EEAFNOSUPPORT97Address family not supported by protocol
EEADDRINUSE98Address already in use
EEADDRNOTAVAIL99Cannot assign requested address
EENETDOWN100Network is down
EENETUNREACH101Network is unreachable
EENETRESET102Network dropped connection because of reset
EECONNABORTED103Software caused connection abort
EECONNRESET104Connection reset by peer
EENOBUFS105No buffer space available
EEISCONN106Transport endpoint is already connected
EENOTCONN107Transport endpoint is not connected
EESHUTDOWN108Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown
EETOOMANYREFS109Too many references: cannot splice
EETIMEDOUT110Connection timed out
EECONNREFUSED111Connection refused
EEHOSTDOWN112Host is down
EEHOSTUNREACH113No route to host
EEALREADY114Operation already in progress
EEINPROGRESS115Operation now in progress
EESTALE116Stale file handle
EEUCLEAN117Structure needs cleaning
EENOTNAM118Not a XENIX named type file
EENAVAIL119No XENIX semaphores available
EEISNAM120Is a named type file
EEREMOTEIO121Remote I/O error
EEDQUOT122Quota exceeded
EENOMEDIUM123No medium found
EEMEDIUMTYPE124Wrong medium type
EECANCELED125Operation Canceled
EENOKEY126Required key not available
EEKEYEXPIRED127Key has expired
EEKEYREVOKED128Key has been revoked
EEKEYREJECTED129Key was rejected by service
EEOWNERDEAD130Owner died
EENOTRECOVERABLE131State not recoverable
EERFKILL132Operation not possible due to RF-kill
EEHWPOISON133Memory page has hardware error

EINTR (Interrupted system call)

Liste non exhaustive des fonctions pouvant être interrompues avec un code d'erreur EINTR : select, accept4, poll, recv, read, write.

Ces fonctions précédentes renvoient -1 en cas d'échec et la variable errno (thread-safe) renvoie EINTR en cas d'interruption.

La méthode simple est de faire une boucle autour de l'appel avec la condition retval == -1 && errno == EINTR.

La méthode complète est de savoir d'où vient cette interruption système : EINTR and What It Is Good For Archive du 05/11/2012 le 17/10/2019