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Raccourci MS-DOS

Archive source, Archive

OFFSET              Count TYPE   Description
0000h                   1 byte   reserved
0001h                   1 byte   Checksum
0002h                  30 char   Title for the window
0020h                   1 word   Maximum memory reserved for program
0022h                   1 word   Minimum memory reserved for program
0024h                  63 char   Path and filename of the program
0063h                   1 byte   0 - Do not close window on exit
                                 other - Close window on exit
0064h                   1 byte   Default drive (0=A: ??)
0065h                  64 char   Default startup directory
00A5h                  64 char   Parameters for program
00E5h                   1 byte   Initial screen mode, 0 equals mode 3 ?
00E6h                   1 byte   Text pages to reserve for program
00E7h                   1 byte   First interrupt used by program
00E8h                   1 byte   Last interrupt used by program
00E9h                   1 byte   Rows on screen
00EAh                   1 byte   Columns on screen
00EBh                   1 byte   X position of window
00ECh                   1 byte   Y position of window
00EDh                   1 word   System memory ?? whatever
00EFh                  64 char   ?? Shared program path
012Fh                  64 char   ?? Shared program data file
016Fh                   1 word   Program flags

Pour les données optionnelles après : Undocumented Corner _ Dr Dobb's, Archive du 13/09/2019, Archive 2 Archive 3


Archive au format propriétaire. StuffIt Expander Windows - Free Archive x64 1508-2614

doc/formatfile.txt · Dernière modification : 2024/02/09 09:20 de root