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public interface IBehaviour {
  public int moveCommand();
public class AgressiveBehaviour implements IBehaviour{
  public int moveCommand()
    System.out.println("\tAgressive Behaviour");
    return 1;
public class DefensiveBehaviour implements IBehaviour{
  public int moveCommand()
    System.out.println("\tDefensive Behaviour");
    return -1;
public class NormalBehaviour implements IBehaviour{
  public int moveCommand()
    System.out.println("\tNormal Behaviour");
    return 0;
public class Robot {
  IBehaviour behaviour;
  public void setBehaviour(IBehaviour behaviour)
    this.behaviour = behaviour;
  public IBehaviour getBehaviour()
    return behaviour;
  public void move()
    System.out.println("Based on current position" +
      "the behaviour object decide the next move:");
    int command = behaviour.moveCommand();
    // ... send the command to mechanisms
    System.out.println("\tThe result returned by behaviour object " +
      "is sent to the movement mechanisms " + 
      "for the robot.");
helloworld/design_pattern/command/java.txt · Dernière modification : 2020/03/02 22:00 de root